Wednesday, October 7, 2020

This Month on Instagram #22- September


"Ayyyy, it's Kit, your favorite espionage master of disaster!"

"Ninja Kit is gracing you with her presence once more, do not ask why, simply admire me while you can. 😎"

Kit, chill out.

"No. :("
"Anyway, I've got another mission. Top secret, obviously, can only be trusted to one so skilled as I."

"Do you like my sword? I like my sword. Olive has the photos for a DIY post for it, but hasn't bothered writing it yet. She also didn't finish mine, I'd be perfectly happy with a red ribbon handle, but she wants purple. But did she go shopping? Nope!"

"But I can't have a bare hilt so I borrowed Ruthie's hair ribbon, I'm sure she won't mind."

"No that pine cone is not holding up my leg how dare you."


"Finally, here's the focus shift. You knew it was coming."

"Yes, I brought a cup of tea. Being a ninja can be taxing work, and tea is very calming."

"It can be pretty discouraging sometimes, being a ninja. The world is so big, and full of big, mean people, and I'm only a small doll. More often then not, it feels impossible that I can EVER make a difference. But my sensei told me a story once..."

"A Buddhist monk was walking along the beach one morning with one of his students.
Thousands of fish had been washed up onto the shore after a fierce storm. Stooping down, the monk lifted a single creature and returned it to its home in the sea. The student asked why the master did this when it made so little difference to the mass of stranded fish. As the monk lifted another single fish he replied,
“It makes a difference to this one.”
And he tossed it back into the sea."

"Get the picture?"

Kit, honey, you're being a tiny bit cheesy. I will look back on this post in a few months and die.

"I can and will dump this cup of tea on your head. :)"

I can and will ground you. :)

"Oof okay."

"Anyway, I gotta get cracking. Lot's of fish on that beach, and I've got two small currently empty hands."
"See ya next time, ninja Kit out!"

~Kit &

aite now I'm off to take photos of a doll that isn't Kit this is her third shoot in a row this year XD