Monday, November 7, 2016

an new updated house tour

Hey everyone! like requested, here is another updated house tour! Now, this will hopefully be humorous. The house was a mess, and I really didn't want to clean it, and remove the dolls and such, so I made it fun. I hope you like it.

So this is the front entry, aka the door to my room, aka the back of the wardrobe, OR aka a handy place to set down knick knacks. I have many. They also have a little pet fish in the corner. :) (click on the pic to see it better)

And here is the bedro-ahhh! Girls, you told me it was clean!
Well we were mistaken, it's not!
I'm helping mama!
Just a minute and we'l be done mom!
I'm helping too auntie!
Elizabeth, you're such a sweetie. Thanks for helping. Well, hurry up girls and get out of sight, ok? 

So while that is going on, here's the school corner. It's pretty much the same. The basket on top has knitting stuff in it.

They've acquired more books, and the top shelf has movies.

Good, they're done. This is the bedroom corner, Camille still doesn't have a proper bed yet.
Mom? Can we come back in and play now?
No, go have a snack or something. 
I just heard some excited whispers. Maybe that was a bad idea. :[
This is Ruthie's corner. There's still storage behind her bed.

And here is Kit's corner.

And here's the wardrobe. It's mostly for Kit's clothes, but Ruthie put some of her things in there, and I see that they put Camille's stuff in that box. :)

And the Makeup, and Kit's violin.

And here's the kitchen- Girls!

Ok, it appears that Elizabeth has soda and cookies, Ruthie has two sodas, Camille has cookies and milk, and Kit has a chocolate bar. Why??!!!
You said we could have a snack.
They said it was alright. Was it?
Cookie's dipped in soda tastes funny.
*burps* Don't worry, I can easily finish off both!
*sigh* I knew that was a bad idea.

And here's the rest of the kitchen I suppose.

And that's the last of it. To see the other house tour, click HERE
And don't forget about Madison's giveaway! Click HERE to find out more.

P.S. I've been gone because of NaNo. It's going horrible. Chocolate needed. But on a better note, I have something fun coming up, and I can share pics of what it was like! Yay!

P.P.S. I've also been watching lord of the rings. Legolas is amazing. 'nuff said.